Today, there is no country free of antisemitism, no political orientation insulated against Jew-hatred, and no movement immune to the scourge of discrimination against the Jewish people.
About Us
Maspik! seeks to bring the best minds together to foster creative and innovative approaches to combating the scourge of antisemitism in Canada.

Hatred of Jews constitutes the world’s oldest form of prejudice. Antisemitism attributes to Jews a unique characteristic of ‘Cosmic Evil’ that attaches to no other group – no matter how vilified they may sometimes be.

Responding to this dangerous trend requires a broad alliance and shared ownership. Maspik! will empower organizations to contribute to the fight against antisemitism in ways best suited to their expertise.

The Maspik! Coalition welcomes participation from established organizations, thought-leaders, and other distinguished Canadians who are influencers across cultural, political, ethnic and academic sectors.